Your Priority Checklist For Life
We all have a certain order of priorities that we organize our time and our life by.
Most people, however, do not have an intentional order to their priorities and may in fact be living by someone else’s priorities by default.
By doing so they unknowingly give away the opportunity to design the life and lifestyle they truly desire.
For example, if you are doing work you don’t like in order to make the kind of money you “should” be making, and as a result, are drained of energy, irritable and distant when you get home which puts strain on your relationship with your wife and kids, you are not living by your own, empowered, chosen priorities.
How do you change this?
Let’s say your list of priority choices (in no specific order) are the following; Work, Family, Health, Relationship, Money, Spirituality.
One of the most critical decisions in determining the quality of your life is in the order you put these in for yourself.
For example, if money is first on your list, followed by work, you will most likely live some version of the above scenario.
Instead, if you choose having an awesome relationship with your significant other at the top of your list of priorities, it will lead to a very different life.
What I’ve learned by working with some of the most successful people in the world is, by consciously choosing the order of priorities that are most important to you now, you are choosing what you will give your best time, respect, energy and attention to.
It is a message to the universe that this is what is most important to you now and by doing so determines what you will have in abundance. It is what determines the type of life and lifestyle you can create.
Whether you want more love, intimacy, joy, fun, health, spiritual connection, growth, contribution or abundance in your life, take a look at your current order of priorities and make a change.
At my upcoming online event, you will learn how to clear away the old patterns and pre-set programming which have been influencing your priorities and holding you back.
This event will allow you to have a clean slate on which to reset your priorities in the order you want them to be now.
In the meantime,
Live Limitless,