Loving what you’re doing vs. ready for change.
Hello, my fellow entrepreneurs - I'm coming to you today with a message about doing what you love in your life.
There is nothing more important than how we spend our time.
One good question to ask yourself is, “do I love what I'm doing?"
Some of us were taught that we have to go against our values, or even our morals, in order to succeed. Or some other garbage like that.
So today, I want to talk about doing what you love as it pertains to your purpose.
If you’re an entrepreneur, your purpose is your engine.
It's what determines if you are going to be lit up, or drained by what you are doing every day.
And it’s what determines whether or not you'll be energized, even when you are working full out - because it's literally fun for you, because you are on purpose and in alignment with your hard-wired preferences.
A question I hear a lot is, “how do I know if I’m on-puropse”. Or, “what if I don’t know my purpose?”
Here’s how you know. If the way you’re living and working right now is wearing you down, and feels like a grind, or if it's draining your energy away from the other important areas of your life, like your health and your family:
You are not on purpose. You are not doing what you love.
If we look back at history, the greatest philosophers believed there was a purpose behind everything.
You have a purpose and a set of hard-wired priorities that you're most energetically aligned with.
This is what determines what you will be lit up by, what you can get good at, and what you will love creating, building and succeeding in.
But sadly, most people are not living this way.
Most people live by necessity, response and default as opposed to living by design. This determines, your health, your level of fulfilment, whether you will follow the crowd, blend in with the crowd, or lead the crowd.
So the question comes down to: Are you ready to get clear on your purpose? Are you ready to live more by design?
If the answer is yes, you might want to check out one of my upcoming events.
At each event, you will have the powerful opportunity to clear away old programming, and embody a clearer picture of what your unique purpose, gifts and abilities are.
We do this through a powerful combination of teachings designed to remove interference and create a new energy framework with a greater bandwidth you can then use to create, design and achieve any life and lifestyle that you can imagine.
If any or all of this sounds good, then you definitely want to check out one of my upcoming events.
Until then.
Shine your light,